
Pubblicazioni Ezio Zanini

The stages of the evolution of our activities, over time, had create some publications make to popularize the results of our researches.

The first book "Il labirinto dei Giochi Perduti. Giochi da tavolo dal Mondo Antico al Medioevo” (The labyrinth of lost games, board games from the ancient world to the Middle Ages) was dedicated to the ancient board games and to the worlds that the different rules of the past seems to interpret.
Thanks to the attendance of Paolo Pellegrini, Professor and Researcher in Italian Philology and Linguistics of the Department of Culture and Civilization of the University of Verona, who was interested in the reconstruction of the Gherminella written in "Il Labirinto dei Giochi Perduti", a new reserch was born and was published on the important scientific journal “Studi di Lessicografia Italiana” (Studies of Italian Lexicography). For more information:(link)

At another great theme, the woodworking techniques of the past, we have dedicated three e-books dealing with the techniques of provisions and transport of timber in the Middle Ages, the following process of wood in the workshops of the period and the tools used for these processing.
Three EBOOKS were born:

  • “La preziosa concessione” (The precious concession. From woods and forests, the raw materials necessary for medieval urban development)
  • “L'arte del legno tra medioevo e rinascimento” (The art of wood between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Techniques and secrets in carpenters' shops)
  • “Gli strumenti della civiltà del legno” (The tools of wood civilization. History and use of tools and tools)